Racist Remarks Leave Families and Graduates in Shock

Graduation season is in full sweep. Social media networks are becoming overwhelmed with graduation portraits, announcements, and overall excitement! “2015” is no shy number nowadays! Graduations are without a doubt a time of celebration, a huge accomplishment for students and families. Rising up in one’s education is no small feat, and it deserves nothing less than praise and applaud.
Yet, sadly, for the students of TNT Academy in Lilburn, Georgia their graduation ceremony was invaded by racist remarks. The racist remarks came from their principal, Nancy Gordeuk. Though Gordeuk has now publicly apologized, it’s clear that her comments still hold weight and shock onto the national community. The audience at the graduation ceremony filmed the racist remarks, and the video has gone viral.
You can’t really help but cringe as you watch the video, and it’s quite upsetting to know that even in a setting of academic success, racism and privilege still manage to maintain power.

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